Video Surveillance Privacy Policy
Version September 2021
Issued by the Hager Group legal department.
Hager Group, Zum Gunterstal, 66440 Blieskastel, Germany
In this document we provide you with information regarding the video surveillance at the site. If you are at any of our Hager sites you may be subject to video surveillance in signposted areas. All our CCTV footage is used to ensure the safety of you, our staff and the facility, in the course of investigations and/or legal actions. In case you have questions not answered in this document or if you wish to contact us about this, you can reach our data protection officer by sending an email to:
The data protection officer is independent in their role and will treat your requests confidentially.
- Your privacy rights and how you can exercise them
- What data we treat as personal data
- Personal data we collect
- The Use of your personal data by the Hager Group
a) What role the Hager Group plays in the processing
b) The legal basis for processing
c) Transfers of your data
d) Retention of your data - Minors
- Data Protection Officer
In addition to our explanations, we will provide you with the applicable GDPR reference. Local data protection laws may also apply or influence points but will not be referred to directly here.
1. Your privacy rights and how you can exercise them
In order to make you feel at ease with the processing of your personal data by the Hager Group we will inform you anytime about what personal data the Hager Group has collected about you within its retention period since the installment of the CCTV. Furthermore, we will inform you upon request about the processes your personal data is or has been involved in. You also have the right to erasure and to restrict the processing of your personal data. (GDPR Art. 17 & 18) The Hager Group will make sure to apply all your rights upon request without undue delay.
Nonetheless we may need to store or use your data to comply with legal obligations even if you made a request to exercise any of the rights above. We might also use the data collected by the video-surveillance in legal actions. (GDPR Art. 9 (2) (f)). Please use this link for any questions or requests relating to this Policy, raise any concerns or exercise you rights. Any complaints about the Hager Group concerning your personal data can be filed with the supervisory authority:
Unabhängiges Datenschutzzentrum Saarland
Fritz-Dobisch-Straße 12
66111 Saarbrücken
Tel. (0681) 94781-0
2. What data we treat as personal data
The HagerGroup considers any data that identifies you or can be used to identify you as personal data (GDPR Art. 4 (1)). Therefore we will treat any such information with the security measures and practices outlined in this privacy statement.
Therefore the footage from our video surveillance cameras may contain personal data about you and we process it incompliance with the GDPR and applicable local data protection law.
3. Personal data we collect
Our video cameras mainly capture the image of staircases, hallways and the trucker break area. However we marked all areas covered by CCTV with a sign. If you enter any of these marked areas, images of you will be captured. By entering our premises note that images of you will be recorded.
4. The Use of your personal data by the Hager Group
We installed video surveillance as a security measure to ensure the safety of our staff, visitors and facility. Furthermore the video surveillance is used to detect and investigate illegal activities. The locations of our cameras are based on past incidents in our facility and are the most moderate way to ensure safety.
a. Entity Responsible for the Processing of your personal data
The subsidiary of the HagerGroup responsible for the site is the controller of your data. Security providers may work as a processor for us. Please note that only the site management has access to the video surveillance after its recording. The live feed mav be available to security providers.
b. The legal basis for processing
We conduct video surveillance at our sites on the basis of legitimate interest (GDPR Art. 6 (1) (1) (f). The security of our staff and visitors, the facility and goods at the site is improved by this measure. The CCTV footage may also be used in the investigation of illegal activities. Consequently, to protect our employees we do not target workstations in the broad sense.
c. Transfers of your data
The video surveillance is only transferred from the camera to its storage space at the Hager Group Servers.
d. Retention of your data
We delete all surveillance footage after one month (GDPR Art. 5 (1) (e)) , unless it is used in a legal process or retention periods are otherwise defined by local data protection law.
5. Protection of your data
The data is only stored at the Hager Servers. Only the site management and the local security/safety team has access, unless the data is needed for investigating illegal activities. To ensure that your data is safe we only provide a live feed to our security team. The Hager Servers are secured by technical and organizational measures.
6. Minors
Minors are not supposed to enter into Hager Group sites in the course of our normal business. However any minor who enters such video surveilled facility will also be on our surveillance footage..
7. Data Protection Officer
Mathias Kasper
Verimax GmbH
Warndtstr. 115 · 66127 Saarbrücken