Racing eSport Live Show 2025, a historic edition!
We've put together a spectacular line up for this historic 3rd edition! The top 10 teams will be at the Hager Forum to battle it out live on day 5 of eLigue1. You'll also be able to discover the latest gaming trends and meet the players!
Book your tickets here.

The day's Schedule:
2:30pm-7pm: The Hager Forum will be transformed into a gaming arena
Test and play! There will be 7 different areas where you can try out a whole host of video games with free access, an area dedicated to retrogaming, another dedicated to VR, a family zone and a Virtual Reality experience offered by Europapark.
Discover! Come and watch Just Dance and Cosplay shows, the eCup final, the creation of artistic frescoes and learn about disabled sports.
Meet the eLigue1 players, as well as professional players from the RCSA, and a host of other surprises.
7pm to 11pm: Day 5 of eLigue1 live from the Hager Forum
Come and cheer on the 10 best eLigue1 teams live from the Hager Forum with 5 matches scheduled.
- 7pm: 2 eLigue 1 matches live. Programme to come
- 8pm: RCSA esport match live.
- 9pm: 2 eLigue 1 matches live. Programme to follow.
The event will only be accessible via the official online ticketing service at a cost of €5 and is free for children under 5. For each entry, you will be given a voucher for a sweet snack, as well as souvenir goodies, so don't miss out!
All the money raised from ticket sales will be donated to the Femmes de Foot association, which works with children in hospitals.
Highlights from the Racing eSport Live Show 2024
Over 800 people gathered at the Hager Forum! Open to the general public for the first time, the event quickly sold out for a day dedicated to new trends in gaming and the live eSport match between RCSA and LOSC.