Integrity Alert System
We encourage all employees, as well as external or occasional workers and all business partners of Hager Group to report any practice, action or request they deem inappropriate or out of line with the principles stated in our Ethics Charter.

Our Integrity Alert System
Hager Group’s success depends on the trust it inspires in its stakeholders. The key to this trust is our integrity. All our employees and executives are expected to live our values and ethical principles and conduct business accordingly. In our culture of openness, we encourage all employees, customers, business partners, and the general public to raise their genuine concerns, to ask for advice and guidance when facing difficult ethical issues, but also to point out unacceptable behaviours and demands, without fear of retaliation.
Find detailed instructions on the complaints procedure here.
Understand our "Let’s Talk" Alert System in just 2 minutes
6 things to know:
1. What is our Integrity Alert System? Who is Safecall?Our Integrity Alert System allows anybody to report any practice, action or request deemed inappropriate or out of line with the principles stated in our Ethics Charter.
Safecall is an English service provider who has been supporting large groups and medium sized companies in implementing and running integrity alert systems for over 20 years. Safecall’s employees act as objective external partners of trust for collaborators and business partners and the different reporting channels make for a secure and professional warning system.
2. Who can use the integrity alert system?
The system is available for all Hager Group employees. Additionally, all our external partners (temporary workers, customers, suppliers, other business partners) can use it.
3. Why should I share what I know? What can be reported?
Treat others as you would like to be treated. We all expect to be treated fairly and well and for business to be executed the same way. This implies acting in an ethical manner and letting the appropriate people know if someone might not be doing so. Lack of integrity and subsequent misconduct can threaten the sustainable development of an entire company.
The information provided should be comprehensive, genuine and accurate at the time, even if no wrongdoing can be proven later. Possible topics are:
Health and Safety, Corruption, Bribery, Dishonesty, Fraud, Harassment & Bullying, Discrimination, Environmental issues, Corporate Governance…
Please be aware, however, that knowingly providing slanderous, insincere or unfounded rumours may result in disciplinary sanctions or the filing of charges.
4. Safecall: How to raise a concern? How does it work?
When you raise a concern, you can do it in your native language, using one of these channels:
On-line reporting form in your language:
Local phone number: click here to consult the Phone number list
The person you will be talking to is on the same time zone as you. Safecall guarantees absolute confidentiality and, if desired, anonymity, and they respect the latest data protection regulations. No conversation is audio recorded and only handwritten notes are taken.
Safecall’s role is to receive all alerts, translate them if necessary, and deliver a report to our Group Ethics Officer within 24 hours. Additionally, they support us with follow-up questions to informants, especially regarding the translation of any communication and their transmission should the informant wish to remain anonymous.
5. Are reports secure and confidential?
In line with our culture of care, all reported matters are reviewed diligently and brought to an appropriate conclusion by our Group Ethics Officer. We take confidentially on all reported matters extremely serious and involve only the minimum number of people necessary for any discreet investigation. We communicate with the reporting individual if possible and as appropriate and are dedicated to maintaining the anonymity of anybody who demonstrates courage and integrity in stepping forward to report matters of concern.
6. How do you protect informants?
If an informant wishes to remain anonymous, they cannot be identified. Informants can choose between complete anonymity, revealing their identity to Safecall only, or revealing their identity to Hager Group. We totally respect the choice of each person.
You will not be subject to retaliation from Hager Group for any report of a suspected violation that is made in good faith, even if it later turns out to be factually incorrect. Any retaliation against whistleblowers will be sanctioned.