Hager Energy

Hager Energy: Poised to sit at the heart of the energy transition
Rising to the challenge
The problem:

The causes:
Apart from agriculture, by far the most emissions are caused by transport and buildings (residential and commercial). We need energy to heat our homes and offices, to run our appliances, to heat our water. We need energy to power our cars and lorries. We need energy to run industrial sites in which we produce the goods we want to consume. All of this causes harmful emissions, unless the energy originates from renewable sources.
Renewables, however, have one fatal flaw: they are not as reliable as the fuel sources – fossil and nuclear - which have dominated our energy landscape over the past century. The sun doesn’t shine 24/7 and the wind doesn’t blow day and night. Then again, there’s way too much wind or sun, causing dangerous surges in the grid which can lead to outages.
Smart energy management
The solution:
Our broad energy management offer such as Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS), energy storage and energy management controlling includes all the components necessary to make the transition away from fossils to renewables more than a distant vision.

Towards a decentralised grid
Combining the storage possibilities contained both in the house and the car is a breakthrough technology known as bidirectional charging. Since a vehicle battery can store about as much energy as an average household consumes in a week, bidirectional charging offers a massive opportunity for everyone who lives in a building and drives a car. Which is just about every one of us.

And how does this all work?
Granted: There's a lot of technology involved here. That’s why, together with our colleagues from Audi, we have created a super easy-to-understand video. Watch it and you’ll get it.
Cutting edge technology
All of this depends on highly sophisticated systems talking to each other and our key challenge is to master charging software technology for Hager Group EVCS products worldwide. We are well on our way, having run a successful project with Audi in 2020, using a specially designed e-tron model. We have shown our technology to work and are now scaling our production and sales capabilities.
Going forward, Hager Energy CEO Dr. Andreas Piepenbrink and COO Rémy Becher are confident we’ll be seeing Hager Group as a central player in an energy transition designed to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions.