
A lifelong commitment to the planet
At Hager Group, we manufacture products and offer electrical solutions all over the world. Sourcing, production, usage and disposal build a complex lifecycle that comes with emissions and waste. We are well aware of the risks and the impact this has on society and the environment. That is why at Hager Group we are committed to reducing waste and emissions considerately by investing in an environmentally friendly approach, the longevity and quality of our products and more sustainable solutions in production and distribution.
Part of this is putting our entire process, from sourcing materials to end-of-product-life, under intense scrutiny to analyse exactly what our environmental impact is. For this we measure in CO2 equivalents.
Why? Because as a company we have committed to supporting the Paris Climate Agreement and with it the limit of 1.5 degrees to global warming. And here’s why we’re speaking candidly, to achieve this, we must dramatically cut our CO2 emissions.
Our detailed action plan to get there is called the Blue Planet Commitment.
Whilst there are various visible initiatives such as the transition to less packaging made from recycled materials, many of the actions which advance a circular economy and substantially reduce our CO2 emissions are hidden from plain sight despite the magnitude of our task.
“With our Blue Planet Commitment, we contribute to fighting climate change and minimizing our impact on the environment.”
Take our products for instance. One of the most overlooked contributions to sustainability are our products themselves: their longevity means they rarely need replacing, which means less waste. And the plastic in many of our products? Our material scientists are working on finding viable substitutes, either with recycled plastic or altogether different materials. The role of eco-design within Hager Group has gained substantially in importance.
However, it is not easily done when product safety is of such importance. Or look at our efforts in logistics: by opening new logistics centres and switching to a hub and spoke system, we’re optimising our deliveries, cutting CO2 emissions as we do so.
We also leverage digital transformation to cut our CO2 emissions, such as using data analysis to optimise the use of our production facilities. And we’re investing in low-carbon living innovations: Hager Group brand E3/DC is a recent addition to our offer.
With our Blue Planet Commitment, we have entered the transition to becoming a low-carbon company, spanning our entire value chain. Because a truly sustainable operation includes everything, from sourcing to production to use to end-of-life, we want to take our partners and customers with us on this journey.
Let’s make better choices together. For our planet and for all generations to come.

Less CO2 emissions thanks to our products
Hager Group products help to reduce the CO2 footprint thanks to alternative energy solutions or intelligent energy management systems. In this way, they enable a more sustainable approach to our world.
We want to help private households and businesses reduce their energy consumption and use alternative energy sources. That is how we can all make a difference together.
Our sustainability approach at Hager Group
Read more about our E3 sustainability strategy, how we aim to reduce our impact on the environment and what we do for our employees.