E3/DC introduces the first certified combined solution for bidirectional charging to the German-speaking market

18 January 2024 

When the car battery supplies the house with energy: With this product solution, households can use solar energy from their roof even more flexibly and increase their independence from the grid. 

From now, E3/DC, Hager Group’s innovative brand for energy storage solutions, will be offering a bidirectional charging solution buildings in combination with a home storage solution, making it the first supplier in the German-speaking market. Initially, a small series of the DC-charging station will be sold by trained specialist partners. Volkswagen is accompanying the market entry by authorising bidirectional DC-charging for a selection of its ID. models. Our partners expect the first installations in Germany to be completed by early 2024.

Speaking at the occasion of the market introduction of EDISON V2H, Dr. Andreas Piepenbrink, CEO of Hager Energy GmbH and founder of the E3/DC brand stressed: “We view direct current-based bidirectional charging as a crucial extension of the home power station concept and as the key to a decentralised energy transition which works 24/7, all year round”. For the first time ever, EVs fulfill an important function even when – and especially when – stationary: they become increased storage for renewable energies in residential and commercial buildings and help to adjust the power generation in situ according to demand. The use of this technology is also known as “vehicle to home” (V2H).

E3/DC products rely completely on low loss direct current technology: Using EDISON V2H allows EVs to be flexibly charged with solar via a CCS plug, feeding the energy back into the house on demand without the need for conversion. The integrated inverter uses the car battery as a second power source alongside the PV installation.

Bidirectional charging: a core research topic at Hager Group

It was already back in 2016 that Hager Group started its intensive research into bidirectional charging. Since 2018 we have been teaming up with renowned car producers. Hager Energy under Andreas Piepenbrink and our Innovation Department have been close partners in this from the very start. “We firmly believe that bidirectional charging is a critical component of a successful energy transition. This solution allows for a more flexible use of renewables. The storage capabilities afforded by an EV supersede those afforded by a stationary home storage and can be used where power is needed. It is exactly this breakthrough which is necessary to tackle the switch to renewable energies and the increasing demand for electrical energy successfully”, explains Ulrich Rainer from Hager Group’s Innovation Department. 
Currently Hager Group is engaged in research project in cooperation with Audi. This test is designed to gain further insights into the optimal usage of the systems in order to increase autarky, extend battery life and make the user experience even more intuitive.

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