
Our 2021/22 Annual Report

Hager Group Annual Report 2021/22

We are all part of a huge, interlinked ecosystem and creating a sustainable world is possible if enough people want it. Our people and industry have the responsibility to lead the way and help contribute to this change.
The central theme of our 2021/22 Hager Group Annual Report is people and their commitment and passion to make sustainable changes.

In our 2021/22 Annual Report, we will be able to learn more about how our Blue Planet Commitment was set up and a project in the Middle East to reduce CO2 emissions. We’ll read about an initiative in Sweden to help our customers reach their own sustainability goals. We’ll discover some of the players in a project to rethink packaging and our use of plastic. We’ll be entering the world of entrepreneurs and climate advocates and discovering how collective intelligence can drive us forward with our sustainability goals. And we’ll meet some of our colleagues who are committed to helping us learn news ways of working and developing diverse skills to better prepare our future.

The digital version of the Annual Report is now available:

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