Reducing our digital technology environmental footprint

Hager Group joins Planet Tech'Care initiative

The environmental footprint from digital technology of accounts for almost 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions, this is the equivalent of all air transport, and, it could double by 2025.
The trend is to become increasingly more digital, our company is an example of increased digitalization – be it employee use of digital technology to the products and services we create, which are becoming ever more connected and smart. Our digital footprint is therefore likely to grow.

Planet Tech'Care: digital moderation
Likely, but not however a foregone conclusion. We attach great importance to our environmental responsibility, we have chosen to partner with around fifty French companies from the Planet Tech'Care initiative. This initiative is a support platform to facilitate the integration of digital technology into companies' environmental commitments. The objective is to reduce the environmental footprint of the services and equipment that we design or use at Hager Group.

An ecosystem of experts
Planet Tech'Care is driven by the Conseil National du Numérique (French National Advisory Boards for Digital Technology), the company Syntec Numérique and its network of partners (professional organisations, associations, expert networks, foundations and think tanks).
We are therefore at the centre of an ecosystem of players committed to meeting the challenges of digital technology and the environment.

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