The courage at the helm
Since 1955, the success of Hager Group has been based on courage, as well as on the willingness to take calculated risks. We find both elements in offshore sailing. This practice closely combines the spirit of exploration, curiosity and the will to face the unknown.
Without a good dose of the latter, professional sailors cannot reach "new shores". It is this common ground that Hager Group and Fabrice Amedeo share and that has led them both to join forces on the road to Vendée Globe 2024.

A former journalist and writer, Fabrice Amedeo has made his passion his profession. Because we believe that passion and true dedication are the keys to success, the French skipper has proved to be a partner of choice. More than a great sportsman, Fabrice Amedeo is a credible and reliable ambassador for environmental sustainability, a role model whose actions are rich in meaning. To be a credible hero in this day and age, a sportsman or woman can no longer be satisfied with being a good athlete. Indeed, his or her practice must not go against nature, but be in phase with it.
Sailing with renewable energy

Sailing for science
When Fabrice, put his 60' IMOCA with oceanographic sensors to the service of the international scientific community, we just knew that Hager Group should get on board too. The data he collected means the scientific community can better understand the impact of global warming, greenhouse gases and pollutants in our oceans.
Why not re-watch the #OceanCalling web conference where the latest results were presented at our Hager Forum in Obernai January 2023.
Ocean Calling fund
The ambition of the OCEAN CALLING Fund is to unite companies and citizens who want to make their voices heard in the fight to preserve our Oceans. Fabrice set it up himself – a family man with a family business, he makes it his and the fund’s goal to make our ecological footprint as small as possible. Why, because the actions we take now will serve the oceans now for future generations. We’re a family business too and Fabrice’s sense of family, ecology entrepreneurships are totally in line with our company values.
Shaping tomorrow's electrical world with E3/DC

Preparing together the Vendée Globe 2024
It is therefore equally true for the partners that progress can only be achieved through innovation. The tougher the competition, the more innovative and challenging it is. We are convinced that by being agile, smaller players can challenge the bigger ones.
To do this, we need to act faster and smarter. By turning mistakes into lessons learned without delay, we can continue the change in the short term and win the battle in the long term. Because we share this vision with Fabrice Amedeo, we look forward to heading to the Vendée Globe 2024 together.