Racing Esports live show 2024, join the game!
The Racing Esports live show is back on 13 March 2024 at the Hager Forum in Obernai for a second spectacular season! Come and support the RCSA esport team as they take on LOSC esport on the 9th day of Eligue1. Come and discover the latest gaming trends and meet the players.
Book your tickets here.

- 1.30pm-6pm: Free access to our discovery areas to try out video games: FIFA, Just Dance, Arcade Games, Mario Kart, Virtual Reality, children's area etc.
- 3.00 - 6.00 p.m.: Take part in live Just Dance and cosplay shows, gaming conferences and demonstration matches on the Hager Forum stage. Mingle with esport players from RCSA and LOSC, as well as Racing players accompanied by Storcki the mascot.
- 6-8pm: Official eLigue 1 match: RCSA vs LOSC live and physical on the main stage. Come and give our team some positive energy!
Please note that this event is only accessible via the official online ticketing service.
Admission is €5 for adults and for children under 16. Admission is free for children aged 5 and under.
On arrival, each visitor will receive a voucher for a sweet snack, as well as a souvenir goodie. Don’t miss out!
All the money raised through ticket sales will be donated to the Femmes de Foot association for work with children in hospitals.
Players and guests
Racing Esport live show 2023
On Wednesday 29th March, nearly 600 people could be found at Hager Forum in Obernai to discover the world of gaming and Esport. The day was packed with different animations; the highlight was the eligue1 game between the RCSA Esport and the Girondins de Bordeaux Esport. It was a first for France and the public were delighted.